Avian Artistry in Nature: The Black and Yellow Broadbill’s Cartoon-Like Beauty


If there is one thing true in the bird kingdom, it’s this: there are some spectacularly beautiful birds on this planet. They come in all colors, all shapes, and sizes, some so out there, it’s hard to believe they are real. As an example, let’s meet the wonderfully unique black and yellow broadbills.

The black and yellow broadbill is a small bird with a pink body and yellow wings, along with piercing yellow eyes and an aqua-blue beak. Interestingly, their song is described as “disproportionately loud,” when compared to the size of their bodies. It’s a series of high-pitched coos that increase in pitch and speed, turning into a maddened series of loud whistles.

These unique creatures are found in Southeast Asia, in the hills and lowland forests of Thailand, Indonesia, and surrounding countries. Unfortunately, they are listed as ‘near threatened’ on the IUCN Red List. They are threatened by habitat loss due to the local logging industry.

They make large pear-shaped and purse-like nests that hang from tree limbs. The nests can be made from moss and leaf skeletons and be lined with roots and leaves.


What an unforgettable and unique bird! The black and yellow broadbill is a true avian masterpiece, showcasing the beauty of nature’s artistic creations. Its striking appearance and distinct vocalizations make it a captivating sight for bird enthusiasts and nature lovers alike. As we marvel at these exquisite creatures, let us also strive to protect their habitats and ensure their continued existence in the wild.